Landscaping Policy Updated


Minor updates were made to the Landscaping Policy found in Documents regarding “responsibility for lights and whatever in mulch areas”. Any items placed in the mulch by residents are “at their own risk”. Landscapers and the HOA are not responsible for damages to these items, accidents may (and do) happen.



Trimming is happening. The landscapers will do their best to trim bushes properly, however if you have exotic plants or bonsai trees, that may not end well. Please be conservative with your “mulch plant” selections and get them approved BEFORE planting. Thank you.

Watering Schedule 2022


Coral Gables – Borego – Zones 1 -15 – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 4:00am to 11:00ish

Borego / Bella Vista – Zones 16 – 31 Sunday, Tuesday, Friday 4:00am to 11:00ish

Mandalay – – Zones 1 -15 – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 4:00am to 11:00ish

Mandalay – Zones 16- 25 – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday 4:00am to 11:00ish

Solara – Zones 1 -9 – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 4:00am to 9:00ish

Balboa – Zones 10 – 18 Sunday, Tuesday, Friday 4:00am to 9:00ish

Note: There may be extended watering times for certain zones (normally sodded areas) during drought conditions.

If you need to know your townhouse’s zone numbers and times (although times may change as we react to watering needs), let the HOA board know and we can investigate.



This is the season for “outdoor projects”, as winter has finally left us. 

Please be aware of the Architectural Review process for Bella Vista. Please DO NOT assume that your outdoor project falls into the categories of  “this one doesn’t matter” or “this can’t need approval” or “nobody will notice”. When in doubt, please ask.

Please fill out an architectural form for any project (as per Bella Vista Covenants/By-Laws, please review Article III, if necessary). These include, but not limited to… privacy fences, lattice, Satellite Dishes, awnings, exterior painting, concrete work, etc. 

The architectural forms are available at the clubhouse or on the website.

Lela Laha is the Architectural Committee Chairperson. Please work with Lela for approvals.

Also, please keep in mind, for spring planting projects, please adhere to the Landscaping Policy documented on the website.

Mulch Edging and Aeration Issues


MULCH EDGING:The Landscapers will be cutting the edges on the Mulch beds relatively soon (no exact date yet). In order to make this as painless as possible for Xfinity and AT&T customers, the HOA suggests you mark where your line comes in from the grass to the mulch bed with a very visible stake/whatever. If you need a stake, let me know as those short white stakes (that some residents are rumored to use as target practice) are perfect. The HOA has 20 or 30 (I lost count), so If you want one, let me know (offer good until I run out). If you need help, let me know.
AERATION:The recent Aeration caused about 6 or 7 residents pain and suffering as Xfinity and AT&T are supposed to bury their cables at least 6 inches deep, but they DO NOT. Our aeration cores measure maximum 3 inches, so no lines should have been cut, as 3 is less than 6, even these days. Unfortunately, the story (direct from a AT&T guy) is that they “contract out” the “bury job” and routinely bury lines 1-3 inches deep, costing AT&T millions of dollars a year to rebury lines. If your line isn’t buried yet, please tell them to bury yours deep! 

Dues Policy

Over the last few months, the HOA Board has frequently discussed the ongoing problem of “delinquent monthly dues/assessments payments”. After much discussion, we have decided to assess “late charges” for offenders. This does not mean you will get charged for 5 or 10 days late, but it does mean if there is a pattern as per policy, there will be a late charge assessed. 

There are simple ways to avoid this problem:

1. Schedule an automated payment via your bank. (Push a payment)

2. Schedule an automated payment via our HOA Financial Service CSM. (Pull a payment)

Both are very secure and both avoid late fees. 

Your CSM account has a full history of your payments for your reference. 

The policy document is posted on the Bella Vista website under documents. Please read the policy and if you have questions, let us know. Thanks.  

Insurance Coverage and Roof Policy


The HOA Board has posted the Insurance-Roof Policy on the website under documents. 
If you don’t read anything else in the policy, please read the following. 

  1. It is important to mention that it is the responsibility of the homeowner to ensure that their insurance policy includes the roof of their unit. Some townhome policies may have been erroneously written as a “condo” policy which does not include the roof of the condo since in a condo building the roof is generally considered a common area item.

If you have any doubt as to what your insurance policy covers, please, please call your agent and ask, as it needs to cover 100% of the replacement cost of your townhouse, which includes the roof. Please do not assume “all is well”, as it may not be.

Reserve Study Meeting and Document Posted

The Bella Vista 2022 Reserve Study document has been posted on the Website ( under Documents. If you have problems accessing it, let me know. 
There will be a general  “Reserve Study” meeting on Wednesday March 23 2022 at 7:00 at the clubhouse to provide an overview and answer some questions. 
Please keep in mind that a Reserve Study is strictly an educated projection of future revenues, potential costs and the timing of those costs. One of the purposes of a Reserve Study is to try to avoid special assessments for known expenses over the next 30 years. 
Please compile your questions after reading the Reserve Study. While we will try to answer all questions, please keep in mind that we cannot always predict the future, even though we do try. 

Buyer Capital Contribution Policy


The HOA has approved a Buyer Capital Contribution Policy to help defer the costs of both the HOA and CSM to register a new resident of Bella Vista. This is to offset the addition time and expense with dealing with the legal documents from the Closing. It also covers the setup of CSM and additional Bella Vista paperwork/key fobs and insurance issues. The document is posted in the documents section of this website.

Lions, Tigers and Coyotes, Oh My


Feel free to skip the story and go to the summary… 


The recent sightings of coyotes in our subdivision reminds me of a true story that happened about 20ish years ago. Up in the Northwoods of Wisconsin by St. Germain, we have a family cottage. My mother and stepfather spent a lot of time up there enjoying the peace and tranquility of nature. One crisp Fall day, as summer is definitely over by Labor Day, this true story unfolded. My mother put on her walking shoes, grabbed her fly-swatter and went out for her morning walk in the woods. She was enjoying the beautiful colors of autumn and getting her daily exercise at the same time, who could ask for more? Then… all of a sudden she spots a black bear in the woods, he was foraging for berries or whatever they forage for… This black bear looks fierce and menacing, as normally you see them in their cages at Brookfield Zoo where they look sad and bored. The bear spots her and maybe snares, maybe winks, (we are not sure about that detail) as he pads through the terrain always eyeing her movements. She is very careful and decides to take a different path back to the cottage as to not upset the bear. She makes it back to the safety of the cottage and quickly tells my step-father of her alarming encounter. After some intense deliberation and careful thought, she picks up the phone and dials the Vilas County Wildlife Department (probably with one of those vicious rotary phones that hurts your index finger). She is connected to the supervisor who probably just came back from cleaning a couple of Walleye after her early morning fishing trip. After my mother details her hair-raising encounter with the black bear, she asks “what can you do about it?”. After the supervisor finishes her donut and washes it down with a swig of morning coffee, she politely responds “Well… that’s where they live, honey”. My mother, speechless for a brief moment, thanked her for the information and went on to have a wonderful day. The bear was seen from time to time, always looking happy and content, but he always watching out for those unpredictable humans, as you never know what they are going to do next…


Having said that, I called and talked to the Bolingbrook Animal Control person and here is the summary of the conversation:

  1. Coyotes are protected (like it or not)
  2. They hang around with family members, not packs
  3. We cohabitate (like it or not)
  4. Haze them, yell at them, call them names, stump your feet, spit at them
  5. Act big, they are afraid of big, act like you are in charge, do not show fear, do not act like prey
  6. Act crazy… they don’t like crazy, however they still may keep an eye on you from a distance
  7. Buy/use a Blowhorn, get one at Lowes or Home Depot or Amazon or your nearest Blowhorn store
  8. DO NOT FEED THEM (they love the small animals that hang around your bird feeders!) 

Clubhouse Streaming Device Switches


During the last HOA Residents meeting, the topic of “streaming devices in the clubhouse” came up. While the HOA itself DOES NOT provide the actual streaming devices (Roku, Chromecast. Apple TV, etc), we have made it easier to bring your own streaming device and get it working. 
We have hooked up a couple of HDMI switches (on the 1st floor) so you can bring your own streaming device and simply plug it in via your HDMI cable. Once it is plugged in, you simply toggle the HDMI switch so your device is now used as “input” to the TV. As such, this saves you (for example) from climbing on the fireplace, finding the HDMI inputs on the TV, plugging in an HDMI cable in the back of a dark TV, figuring out how to change the “input” on the Remote and then reversing all that so the next person could possibly get the TV working again. 

Please keep in mind that you still need to configuration your device to use the Clubhouse WIFI.
We hope this helps. Good luck

Pool Tournament Update


The semi-final matches of the Bella Vista Pool Tournament were played this weekend in front of an excited crowd. 
Match #1: Ray Wesoloski vs. Steve Villanueva 
The first game was a battle for the ages. Neck and neck to the final shot on which Ray won, but barely missed scratching on the 8-ball, which drew a large gasp from the crowd. The second was well played on both sides with Ray taking the game, hence the match 2-0.
Match #2: Don Wittmer vs. Peter Lee (no relation to the referee)
Don came out strong with a convincing game 1 victory. Peter roared back to win game 2. Game 3 was a humdinger with the “table advantage” shifting back and forth so often that the fans got whiplash. In the end, Peter prevailed and captured the match 2-1. 

“Finals” and “Third place” matches will be played next weekend.

Snow Removal – General Guidelines

  1. Work normally starts an hour or so before the snowfall SHOULD stop (based upon a weather service)
  2. General order (but not set in stone as workers adjust as they go due to manpower and skillset…)
    1. Large streets, medium streets, cul-de-sacs (similar to Village of Bolingbrook and most cities)
    2. Bella Vista sidewalks, Townhouse sidewalks
    3. Driveway edges, Driveway proper (edges get done first, then another team does the rest later)
    4. Salting
  3. Equipment used: Large plowing machine, pickup truck with plow, small plowing machine, snow blowers, snow shovels, blower
  4. Timeframe: there is much to do, it takes time (hours and hours and hours). Please be patient.
  5. It may not be perfect at the end… but few things are. The HOA will and does complain about LARGE issues. Please let us know about the LARGE issues.

Pool Tournament January 29 thru Feb 13

The Bella Vista Activities Committee cordially invites you to participant in the first ever Bella Vista Clubhouse Pool Tournament. Please join the fun!
When: January 29 thru Feb 13
Who can play? Residents and family members (we are looking for at least 16 players! More would be great!)
What game are we playing? 8-ball 
Do you need to know how to play? Not really, but it helps you do better. Note: there are lots of Youtube videos out there!
What are the tournament rules? American Poolplayers Association (APA) rules, PDF attached
Who will be the referee the matches? Pat Lee (member of APA since 2012). 
Player registration NOW/Today until JANUARY 29, 2022. Register with Pat Lee via email, phone or text. 630–253-0542
How will the tournament be run? 3 games to a match. Winner of 2 games of the match, moves to the next level. Random drawing to determine opponents. You will be told “who you are playing” via email. Opponents decide a date/time to play their match, the referee must be available to attend. First level Matches must be played during the week of January 29 thru Feb 5.When first level matches are complete, next level matches are scheduled/played by opponents. Matches must be played during the week of Feb 5 thru Feb 12. Semi-finals and Final matches are played Sunday February 13. Match times depending on opponent’s availability.  There will be prizes.
*Masks must be worn unless both opponents agree to de-mask.** Spectators are welcome as long as they abide by mask requirements.***Based upon the number of registered players, the match schedule may be adjusted.  ****We suggest you practice before you play. The clubhouse has some new pool cues, but feel free to use your own if you have one.
A “Pool How-To-Play” workshop will be held Saturday January 29 at 10AM to introduce the game of 8-ball, APA rules and playing tips. 

1st Quarter 2022 HOA Residents Meeting


The first quarter 2022 Bella Vista HOA Residents meeting will be held on Wednesday January 26 2022 at 7:00 at the Clubhouse. 
If you have any questions, concerns or topics of interest, please email them to the HOA Board BEFORE the meeting so the HOA Board has time to review and discuss. 
As always, there will be a formal presentation, a quiz (which may be more difficult this quarter) and Q&A.  
Masks ARE required unless the pandemic abruptly ends in the next 20 days. If you feel you are at risk, unsafe, or sick, please DO NOT attend. 
As always, the presentation and minutes will be posted on the website ( later.