Pool Tournament


The all-important 2nd Annual Bella Vista Pool Tournament signups are starting today. The tournament will be held this year at the prestigious Club Bella in beautiful Bolingbrook Illinois.   

Who can play? All residents of Bella Vista, male, female, young, older.

Format? 8-ball, American Poolplayer’s Association (APA) Rules, best 2 out of 3 games to advance to the next round.Do I need to know how to play? No, I will provide guidance for those who need it, let me know.

Do I have to be a skilled player? No, you just need to want to have fun.

When do I need to sign by? Please signup by January 16, 12:01am

When does the tournament start? The week of January 16.

How does the tournament work? Names are drawn for first round opponents, matches are scheduled when convenient for the two players, I will referee. Winners advance to next round. Second round names drawn and starts after all first round matches are complete. Same scenario until the “finals”, which may be live-streamed via BellaTV.

Are there prizes? There may be, but bragging rights and peer admiration are the biggest prizes of all!

Signup today, or tomorrow to leepa05@icloud.com

1st Quarter 2023 HOA residents meeting


You are cordially invited to the 1st Quarter 2023 HOA residents meeting on Wednesday February 1, 2023 at 7:00PM at the Clubhouse. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to the HOA Board before January 30th, so we have time to properly discuss before the meeting.  

See you there! Thank you.

Private Street Meeting


Private Street discussion with El Costa. We had a nice discussion and the event was semi-well attended (we would love even more support next time around!). While El has no “say” in any decision-making process, she can assist in getting our requests to the correct officials at the correct time. 

As previously discussed, Hartz’s heavy construction activity for the last 4 townhouses is about complete, so we are currently preparing to discuss the situation with various Village officials. 

Remember… we are trying to “partner” with the Village to become an integrated Bolingbrook subdivision. Realistically, if this happens, there will be a cost, we just don’t know what that is yet. One step at a time.  

Snow Removal

Recently, the HOA Board met with our Snow Removal Company, Green Earth, to discuss this year’s snow removal. 

Here is a summary of the discussion:

1. Rubber tipped plows will be used on the vehicles for the driveways to minimize scraps (note the word minimize as they are still scraping snow off asphalt with heavy machinery).Also, rubber doesn’t scrap as well as metal, some residual snow may be left on the driveways.

2. It is advised to REMOVE all yard lights, driveway/sidewalk decorations and dog chains from the areas where they shovel. They are NOT responsible for damage to “things hidden under snow” or in harm’s way. Dog chains on front porches broke 3 snowblowers last year.

3. They do not remove all snow from driveways in the first pass, as they use different personnel and methods to remove snow depending on depth, manpower and timing. Please give they the time to complete their job. 

4. Please do not ask for or expect “special requests” as their contracted job is to remove snow from all driveways, roads and sidewalks.

5. They will salt “less” this year, as we agreed last year was “too much”, but they will salt. 

6. For “big snows”, there may only be one person on-site for a while to keep the roads clear. The bulk of the personnel will come when the snow is scheduled to stop.

7. The “snow removal” timeline is two hours, but that all depends on “has the snow stopped”, “when is it scheduled to stop” and “personnel”. 

Please be patient with the snow removal process, it is a big job.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. 

Message from the President

The newly elected Bella Vista Board met to discuss current projects, statuses and 2023 plans. 

Here are some possible items of interest:

1. The HOA Board Director assignments are staying the same for 2023. I will continue as President, Lela as Secretary and Don as Treasurer, although as communicated before, we all do a little of everything. 

2. The HOA Board met with Green Earth to discuss the upcoming Snow season and to discuss the previous Landscaping season. Please look forward to a “Snow Season Email” coming soon!

3. The Solara “Mailbox Move” Project is complete. Yes, children were conceived and delivered during this project timeline, but we finally got a concrete contractor to do it for less than my first born son. And I must say, it looks marvelous. 

4. The 2 Street Lights on Mandalay are now working. Don worked with ComEd and our electrician to finally wrangle that beast and get the power working again.  

5. The FAID elevator test at the clubhouse was conducted and went very well. 

6. Four Seasons is coming out December 13 for our annual clubhouse furnace check. 

7. The final original exterior Clubhouse light fixture was replaced last week.We now have all new fixtures on the exterior of the Clubhouse. 

8. Please remember, any maintenance to the “exterior of your townhouse” and/or “HOA Common Area by your townhouse” must be approved by the Architectural Committee or HOA Board, depending on the nature of the work. Please DO NOT assume “something you want” is automatically approved. Please note that all Driveways, most sidewalks and lawns (outside of your plat of survey) are HOA Common Area.

9. Please read the Bella Vista Buzz for the Activities Committee updates! 

Mike Hohlman Campaign Event


The Nomination Committee offered to communicate information for the candidates. The following is an invite from Mike Hohlman. 


Recently I was told by several Bella Vista residents that a post was put on the “Friends” of Bella Vista Facebook site by a resident named Ray West. The post contains false information about “the new person” running for the board which is an obvious reference to me.  

Since my wife and I do not participate in Facebook, I am offering to meet with the residents of Bella Vista to discuss my concerns and your issues going forward. I will be at the clubhouse from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm this Wednesday, October 19.  Please feel free to join me and your fellow neighbors.

Mike Hohlman




Reminder: HOA Annual Meeting is Wednesday October 26th at 7:00 at the Clubhouse. This is a recap and status of the year/4th quarter. 

Reminder: HOA Election is Thursday October 27th 6:00PM – 8:00PM at the Clubhouse vote. Candidates are current Treasurer Don Wittmer, current Secretary Lela LaHa and Mike Hohlman. Please refer to previous email/posting for election and voting details. Ballots were sent via email and posted on the website for Early voting. If you can’t get a ballot from either of those places, let me know and I will drop one off. Please vote.

Landscaping: Landscaping work is about done for the year. You may see them out and about performing Fall cleanup and various minor tasks. Various seed blankets have been put down to help with grass growth in difficult areas. More seeding is planned for spring, depending on budget. 

Private to Public Road: Paused until Hartz is out of Bella Vista. Note the current “tear up” of the parking lot at the Clubhouse by the Gas company, water to follow! Active builder construction damages roads, parkways, etc. As stated previously, the HOA Board will not approach the Mayor or City Planners again until the HOA Board has total control of Balboa Circle (which we do not have yet). The “Private Roads to Public” committee has gathered a bunch of information in preparation for this undertaking. The entire HOA Board fully supports this undertaking, at the appropriate time. 

Street Lights Out on Bella Vista Blvd: ComEd has been called. There is no power to those lights. Don Wittmer has a work order from ComEd. No timeframe for ComEd resolution.

Coyotes: They seem to be back. Stay away, carry a big stick, use good judgment and be careful. 

Boo#ffet: Come and enjoy the food, neighbors and have some fun. Contact Lela LaHa for details. 

Note:  If you have neighbors that do not get HOA emails, please let us know. We don’t know “who they are” unless we are told. Thanks. 

Note: There has been some reports of rumors or “incorrect information” being disseminated. Please, if you have questions or concerns regarding Bella Vista matters, please contact the HOA Board. Thanks. 

Election Ballot and Proxy


please find the Ballot and Proxy Assignment for the upcoming Oct 27 2022 HOA election in Documents.  

Only “owners” of the townhouse can vote in the election. Only one vote per townhouse is valid. The nomination committee members will determine if an individual is eligible to vote, and their decision is final.

There are two ways to vote, ‘Day of” and “Early”. 

“Day of”:

1. Simply come to the Clubhouse from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on Oct 27 to vote. 

2. We will have all the ballots at the Clubhouse. 

3. If you want/need to assign a Proxy to vote for you, via the form attached, please fill out the form and have he/she bring the form to the Clubhouse to vote.

4. ** Important**. Please bring identification, so we can verify your identity, if necessary. Proxies need identification too.


1. Fill out the attached ballot and place it in a sealed envelope. Contact and deliver to a nomination committee member, both of you sign the sealed envelope on the back with townhouse address.

2. Or… contact a nomination committee member and they will come over and give you a ballot. Fill it out, seal in an envelope, both of you sign the envelope on back with townhouse address.

Risks of “Early” voting: 

As with any “Early” voting, election circumstances may change between the time you vote and Election Day. That is a risk you assume and accept for the convenience to vote early. In this election, we are required (by the By-laws) to ask for “nominations from the floor” at the annual meeting, those names obviously will not be on the attached ballot. Just beware of the risks for early voting. 

Note: If we receive “nominations from the floor”, the nomination committee has decided to postpone the election for a week to allow the nomination committee time to distribute additional the election information and ballots. Please note that November 1 is the start of the next fiscal year.

Charlie Breier at CBBreier@comcast.net

Ken Madeja at KenMadeja@aol.com

Patrick Lee at leepa05@icloud.com  630-253-0542



The HOA Board Election will be held Thursday October 27 between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM at the Clubhouse. The Annual HOA Board Meeting is Wednesday October 26 at 7:00PM to discuss the 4th quarter and yearly progress. We also will ask for any more nominations (as per By-laws) at this meeting.

Nomination committee members are:

Charlie Breier at CBBreier@comcast.net

Ken Madeja at KenMadeja@aol.com

Patrick Lee at leepa05@icloud.com  630-253-0542

There are two ways to vote: 

1. In-person at the clubhouse on Election Day

2. “Early Vote” via Election Committee member (authorized proxy)

In-person: Simply come to the the Clubhouse between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM on October 27 to vote. We will supply the ballots. 

“Early Vote”: Before election day (October 27), please contact Nomination Committee members to accept your townhouse/resident ballot. A resident can drop off a ballot or use a ballot/envelope the nomination committee member will supply. In addition, if you want/need a nomination committee member to pick up your ballot at your townhouse, simply contact the nomination committee and one of us will stop by to accept/supply the ballot/envelope. Either way, the ballot will be put in a sealed envelope and signed on the back by both the nomination committee member and the resident. The ballot will be kept in a secure location, verified and combined with the ballots accepted on election day.

This election is for 2 open director positions. Residents can vote for two different names on the ballot. Only one ballot per townhouse (resident) is accepted/valid. Ballots will be counted by the committee starting at 8:01 PM on Election Day.  

This election’s nominations are: 

Don Wittmer

Lela (Elizabeth) LaHa

Mike Hohlman

Their nomination applications are attached and available on the website in Documents.

The nomination committee is meeting to discuss Election Day logistics as this is our first time. We will send out an “Early Vote” ballot shortly.



1. Bush Trimming is completed. There will be some more “fall cleanup” later on. 

2. The White Flag Areas “to be addressed this year” have been selected. We could not afford to address all areas. There will be a lot of dirt and seed nets applied to the areas to improve grass quality in the coming weeks. As explained previously, we have a “dirt quantity/quality” problem in many areas of Bella Vista, hence the lack of grass and many weeds. We are attempting to address that problem with this project. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make everybody happy this year.

3. All sprinkler systems are turned off.

A Few Things


White Flags – These are potential areas for topsoil and seed applications for the fall growing season. We will prioritize the candidates based upon “current grass quality” and cost, when the estimates come in.

Street Lights Issues  – Two Mandalay street lights are out. An electrician has been called. Possible fix next week, but we are at the mercy of their schedule in this new era.

Solicitors – We were visited by two ladies from Campbell Marketing trying to get customers to switch to Verizon. They were told to leave Bella Vista and they reluctantly did. 

HOA Election – If you want to run for an HOA Director position, read Lela’s email, give it careful thought and then submit your nomination. 

Reserve Fund Investment – Please read Don’s email about it. The policy has been posted on Bella Vista website under documents.

Sprinkler Heads – If there are any problems, let me know. We assume they all work perfectly unless we are told otherwise. 

Concrete Work – Hopefully we are starting some concrete sidewalk and mailbox work soon/today. Concrete contractors have been very unresponsive, so we won’t believe it until they show up. 

Clubhouse Signin / Use – We have discontinued the “signin requirement”. Please use good judgment in the clubhouse, as it is YOUR clubhouse. Please clean up and turn off lights when leaving. We can see security footage of all areas, so we do know who you are. 

Fall Landscaping Cleanup – We do NOT know when this will happen yet.

If you have any questions, let us know.