Private Streets


As previously communicated, the HOA Directors met with the Village of Bolingbrook officials on January 9, 2023 to discuss our private street situation. I gave a presentation detailing the history, current state and our requests for resolution. During that meeting, the Village officials listened, discussed some points, then asked for more information. One item asked for was the financial reserve balances relating to future costs of the streets. The HOA Board scheduled and attended a followup meeting on April 17, 2023, which resulted in a “preliminary agreement” between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Bella Vista HOA. This “preliminary agreement” needs to be formalized and approved by the Village of Bolingbrook, which may not happen until June or July 2023.

In summary…

What we asked for:

  • All streets transition from Private (owned by Bella Vista) to Public (owned by the Village of Bolingbrook).
  • Village takes responsibility for all asphalt streets, curbs and storm sewers.

What we got:

  • The Village will assume responsibility and expense for all asphalt maintenance for all roads in Bella Vista. This includes all aspects of project management, scheduling and repaving activities. Estimated by the Village at about $250,000 in present day dollars (which probably is closer to $400,000 in future dollars).
  • The ability/offer to use Village of Bolingbrook vendors for future curb, storm sewer and street light maintenance at “village-wide cost levels”, which would be lower than Bella Vista contracting for these services on our own. The Village also offered to manage these projects as part of their “village-wide” contracts.
  • We keep our reserve fund balances designated for the asphalt maintenance (about $25,000 in present day dollars by 12/31/2023), which were offered to the Village by us as an incentive to help with the situation. 

What does this mean:

  • Bella Vista streets will continue to be Private (owned by Bella Vista).
  • All parties avoid the legal ramifications and expenses of having the Village actually “own the streets”. Plat of surveys, setbacks, easements, whatever…
  • The village takes over the all street asphalt maintenance. 
  • We are responsible for curbs and storm sewers. 
  • We are responsible for snowplowing. 
  • We are responsible for street lights. 
  • It is unknown where “street cleaning” responsibilities fall at this time.

We will discuss this topic during the 3rd Quarter Residents HOA Meeting. Please hold all your questions until the meeting.

The Mayor has been invited to this meeting and expressed interest in attending. To date, there has been no confirmation of her attendance. If I get attendance confirmation, I will let you know.  

We have posted the minutes of the meeting on the website.